Monday, October 19, 2009

Very Overdue Update

Yes, I know... I suck at updating these days.

But I was right! We are having a BOY!

It was really the midwife who put the idea into my head when she told me that a significant difference in morning sickness usually meant a baby of the opposite sex, so I do have to give credit to her for planting the idea. But I was RIGHT.

Now let's just hope he makes his big debut just a smidge early rather than five days late like his big sister.


TjandMark/AKA PearlandHawkeye said...

Congrats! My experience with the morning sickness was different in regards to the gender of the child, too. Might be something to that. I got really sick with both boys (hee, hee, still sometimes do)and not sick at all with my daughter ( hee, hee, still don't!). I got big and fat carrying her and both of the boys I gained less than 20 pounds and they both came early. Good luck.

TjandMark/AKA PearlandHawkeye said...

Hey, when is the little fellow supposed to arrive? Update time I think.